The Power of NMN and NAD+ Supplements in Anti-Aging

The Power of NMN and NAD+ Supplements in Anti-Aging

Aging and improving longevity are phenomena that have intrigued humanity for millennia. In ancient times there was a fascination with achieving eternal youth or immortality, which has been a theme in many myths and legends or the past. One of the oldest known pieces of literature, The Epic of Gilgamesh, recounts the hero’s quest for immortality, highlighting humanity’s inherent desire to unshackle itself from the limits of life. In the Middle Ages, when the science of alchemy was popular, various cultures sought the philosopher’s stone, which was believed to grant the ability to cure any disease and extend life indefinitely.

Similarly, in the East, a similar desire was established, with Chinese alchemists experimenting with “elixers of life” which aimed to achieve immortality. During the enlightenment and Modern Era, perspectives on aging began to shift towards more empirical understandings, leading to the development of medical science in the 19th and 20th centuries. This ultimately led to significant improvements in hygiene, medicine, and public health, all of which dramatically extended average life expectancies. Contemporary ideas bring new considerations into the picture in the form of genetic engineering, regenerative medicines, and anti-aging therapies related to diet, supplementation, and medicine.

Now, while my alchemical prowess is lacking, and I do not know how to create the elixir of life, I can speak to a couple supplements that may improve longevity. Those supplements are nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) and Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+). In this blog we will cover what these are, what they do, and why we may want to add these to our supplement regimen.

What Is Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)?

NMN is a nucleotide derived from ribose (a monosaccharide) and nicotinamide (a form of vitamin B3). NMN is a key precursor for NAD+, meaning that it is one of the compounds that the body directly converts into NAD+, an important coenzyme found in all living cells. Really, the significance of supplementing NMN is really just that, it increases NAD+. Now lets talk about NAD+.


What is Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+)?

NAD+ as we said earlier, is an important coenzyme found in every cell, and is crucial for a several biological processes, including metabolism, where it helps to convert food into energy (ATP), by acting as a carrier for electrons in the electron transport chain (part of cellular respiration). NAD+ is also essential for the proper function of sirtuins, which are a family of proteins that have been implicated in the aging process. These sirtuins help regulate cellular health, including DNA repair and gene expression. NAD+ also influences several key cellular processes beyond energy metabolism and DNA repair. It is involved in calcium signaling and the immune response.

Because of this, NAD+ and NMN supplementation has been researched for its potential benefits in managing or even preventing age-related diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative diseases. And, as you might now expect, reduced NAD+ levels are associated with a wide range of the hallmarks of aging, like wrinkles, to metabolic disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Functions And Distribution

NAD+ is plentiful in mitochondria, cell cytoplasm, and the nucleus. It’s primary function is to add poly-ADP ribose to proteins and for the deacetylating activity of sirtuin enzymes, which are critical in regulating cell growth, energy metabolism, stress resilience, inflammation, our circadian rhythm, and neuronal function.

NAD+ is synthesized from NMN, but also tryptophan, nicotinic acid, nicotinamide riboside, and nicotinamide. While these can be supplemented, the precursors that make it up can be found in small amounts in foods like cow’s milk, some vegetables, and meats.

Cellular Uptake

NMN is likely transported across cell membranes by the Slc12a8 transporter.

Some Of The Current Research On NMN

So, Should You Supplement NMN or NAD+?

Comparative Effectiveness


NMN: Likely has better bioavailability and cellular uptake due to specific transport mechanisms that facilitate its entry into cells and subsequent conversion to NAD+.

NAD+: Direct supplementation may suffer from poor bioavailability and rapid degradation, making it less effective for increasing intracellular NAD+ levels.

Practical Use:

NMN: Supported by a growing body of research, NMN appears to be more effective for increasing NAD+ levels within cells and improving related health outcomes.

NAD+: While effective in theory, practical challenges in bioavailability make it a less reliable option compared to NMN.

Research Support:

NMN: More robust evidence from both animal studies and early human trials supports its effectiveness in boosting NAD+ levels and improving health markers.

NAD+: Less evidence available, with more challenges in practical application due to bioavailability issues.


Based on current research, NMN appears to be more effective than NAD+ supplementation for increasing NAD+ levels and providing associated health benefits. NMN's better bioavailability and efficient cellular uptake make it a more reliable choice for supplementation. If you’re looking for an amazing NMN supplement, you should check out Cell Being by Verso!

Throughout history, humanity's quest for longevity has evolved from mythical pursuits to scientific endeavors, reflecting our enduring desire to extend life and improve health. Today, the focus has shifted to understanding and enhancing cellular processes, with supplements like NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) and NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) at the forefront. Research suggests that NMN, due to its superior bioavailability and efficient cellular uptake, is more effective than direct NAD+ supplementation in boosting NAD+ levels and supporting various health benefits. As we continue to explore these promising avenues, NMN stands out as a reliable choice for those seeking to improve their healthspan and longevity.                           

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