Meet David Battisti, MScN

Meet David Battisti, MScN

Welcome David Battisti to the Keto Brainz Team!

We are thrilled to announce the newest addition to the Keto Brainz team, David Battisti, MSCN! David brings a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm for health optimization, and we couldn't be more excited to have him on board.


Meet David Battisti

David Battisti joins us with a strong background in nutritional science and a passion for empowering others to achieve their health and wellness goals. With a Master's of Science in Clinical Nutrition, David is well-equipped to help us elevate our educational content and ensure our community stays informed about the latest advancements in health optimization.


David’s Mission

David is on a mission to sow seeds of excitement for health! He believes in empowering individuals to take control of their health journey. "If you're always relying on someone else to get to your goals, the service you're getting isn't truly empowering," says David. His goal is to equip you with the right tools and skills so that you can independently sustain your health and wellness goals.


What David Brings to Keto Brainz

David will be wearing many hats at Keto Brainz, but his primary focus will be on creating educational content. He will help spread knowledge and keep us all up to date on the latest in health optimization. Whether it's through blogs, videos, or webinars, David's insights will be invaluable in helping our community thrive.


Who is David? In his own words:

“Man, good question. A lot of things really. I am a multisport athlete (climbing, sprinting, soccer, snowboarding, and trail running), big time enjoyer of all things nerdy (in terms of science as well as things like dungeons and dragons, fantasy, and sci fi), a multi genre music enthusiast, and a dabbler in several forms of art. If something interests me, I teach myself how to do it. Guess the word for this is an autodidact.  Probably explains why I have been able to bounce around so many different interests with some success. Sure, I have a Masters of Science in Nutrition, but a lot of what I learned came from my own thirst for understanding…stuff. And there is a lot of stuff out there. The more I seek to understand however, the less I feel I know, but I feel that is what makes life more exciting! Our collective quest for understanding stuff fuels progress as well as humility.  

My interest in using nutrition as a vehicle for health began when I was running track in my early 20s. I wanted to figure out what I could do to enhance my performance on and off the track. I already had a love for science, now I just needed to apply that love and excitement towards not only movement, but nutrition, and supplementation. Later, I would end up getting a job at a health food store in their vitamin department. Ultimately this experience was very humbling. I went in thinking that I knew I was talking about, and was met with the realization that I really didn’t know what I was talking about in a lot of cases, or only had a surface level understanding of things. This experience however lead me into research. When I wasn’t stocking shelves and helping customers, I could be found behind books and computer screens in order to actually understand the various nuances in this space. My goal is to help people that are seeking to improve their health and there is a lot of bunk information out there. If I am sharing bunk information with people, I am not really helping them. If I want to help people, I must then do my research, no matter how difficult the process may be.

The biggest catalyst for me in finishing my undergrad and subsequent graduate degree happened when I came across a particular dietary protocol that I thought could improve my chronic asthma. So, I hopped on this wagon, and within a few weeks my symptoms drastically improved. I figured that if I could learn a bit more about this stuff, I could use what I learned to help others and get them excited about health.”


Learn More About David Battisti

For more information about David and his approach to nutrition and wellness, visit his website at Alacrity Nutrition. There, you'll find a wealth of resources and insights that reflect David's commitment to health empowerment and education.

Join us in welcoming David Battisti to the Keto Brainz family! We look forward to the exciting contributions he'll bring to our community.

Stay tuned for more updates and educational content from David and the rest of the Keto Brainz team. Here's to a healthier, more empowered future!


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