VERSO Clean Being + Keto Brainz Nootropic Creamer
VERSO Clean Being + Keto Brainz Nootropic Creamer
Keto Brainz Nootropic Creamer + VERSO Clean Being Spermidine
Light up your brain and up-regulate cellular function with this brilliant combo! You can now bundle your favorite daily brain fuel with your soon to be favorite cellular health supplement!
Verso CLEAN BEING is formulated with evidence-based ingredients to promote natural clean-up processes like autophagy and apoptosis to support healthy aging, and help prevent chronic inflammation and the development of diseases.
Spermidine, Luteolin, and Dihydroquercetin are a powerful blend of senolytic molecules that help promote natural clean up processes like autophagy and apoptosis.
What is Autophagy?
Auto [self] - phagy [eat]. Autophagy is a cellular clean-up, salvage and recycling mechanism which removes damaged cells (including diseased cells) and cellular parts, in order to maintain cellular homeostasis and promote the proper functioning of cells.
What is a Senolytic?
Senolytics are agents that selectively induce apoptosis of senescent cells. These cells accumulate in many tissues with aging and at sites of pathology in multiple chronic diseases.
Per 2 capsules:
Spermadine - 6mg
Luteolin - 250mg
Dihydroquercetin - 50mg